The Sierpinski Attractor
I recently encountered this episode of Engines of Our Ingenuity, where they describe the following “game”:
We start by picking any point in the triangle and drawing a dot. Let’s call it dot 1. We pick the next dot as follows. Randomly choose one of the triangle’s three corners, and draw a dot midway between that corner and dot 1. Then just iterate; that is, randomly pick another corner of the triangle and draw a point that’s midway between that corner and dot 2. Call it dot 3. And repeat.
It’s a very simple process. But what emerges is stunning.
What emerges is the Sierpinski Gasket; what’s surprising is that this seemingly arbitrary procedure tends toward such an intricate structure. I couldn’t visualize what was happening at first, nor did my freehand attempts seem to be converging to the expected result. So, I wrote a short Processing program to visualize it:
ArrayList<PVector> triangle = new ArrayList<PVector>();
PVector p0;
PVector lastPoint
void setup() {
size(800, 700);
void draw() {
// draw the initial triangle in red
stroke(200, 0, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < triangle.size(); i++) {
point(triangle.get(i).x, triangle.get(i).y);
// draw the bounds of the triangle (so far)
for (int i = 1; i <= triangle.size(); i++) {
line(triangle.get(i-1).x, triangle.get(i-1).y, triangle.get(i % triangle.size()).x, triangle.get(i % triangle.size()).y);
if (p0 != null) {
// draw the initial point in red also
point(p0.x, p0.y);
// draw every following point smaller, in black
stroke(0, 0, 0);
final int POINTS_PER_FRAME = 10;
for (i = 0; i < POINTS_PER_FRAME; i++) {
// pick a random vertex of the bounding triangle
float r = random(0, 2.999999);
int randomIndex = int(r);
= triangle.get(randomIndex);
PVector randomVertex
// find midpoint between this and last point:
// this way would be nice,
// PVector newPoint = lastPoint.lerp(randomVertex, 0.5);
// but this way appears to be necessary for processing.js
= new PVector(lerp(randomVertex.x, lastPoint.x, 0.5), lerp(randomVertex.y, lastPoint.y, 0.5));
PVector newPoint point(newPoint.x, newPoint.y);
= newPoint;
lastPoint }
void mouseClicked() {
if (triangle.size() < 3) {
.add(new PVector(mouseX, mouseY));
triangle} else if (p0 == null) {
= new PVector(mouseX, mouseY);
p0 = p0;
lastPoint }
void keyPressed() {
if (key=='r' || key == 'R') {
// reset
= null;
p0 .clear();
Click three times to define the triangle, then once more to set the starting point. Then watch the Sierpinski Gasket emerge like a exposed emulsion in a darkroom’s developer tray (type ‘r’ to reset and begin again):
Update 2/14/2015
I was curious whether this algorithm would extend to three dimensions, so I used the following snippet of Mathematica code to see:
= {{1, 1, 1}, {1, -1, -1}, {-1, 1, -1}, {-1, -1, 1}};
vertices = {};
pts = {0, 0, 0};
startingpt [x_, y_, t_ ] := x + t (y - x);
LerpDo[newpoint = Lerp[startingpt, RandomChoice[vertices], 0.5];
AppendTo[pts, newpoint];
= newpoint, {i, 1, 50000}];
startingpt Graphics3D[Point[pts, VertexNormals -> pts], Boxed -> False]
It certainly would appear that it does.